Saturday 5 January 2013

How credit cards are like pregnancy scares

Speaking as man who, for the significant portion of his life, had friends that had the ability to become pregnant I have had to be on the recieving end of a number of confessions that ended with the line "I think I might be pregnant" I have witnessed the effect of pregnancy scares. These scares all had similar characteristics. When the period is late and you begin to consider what to do you begin to see babies and pregnant people everywhere. I recently got my first ever credit card and I have since been hesitant to use it. However now it seems that everybody I see seems to be using credit cards. Like a pregnancy scare I begin to question whether or not it has always been this way or it just never really registered with my brain. Then the pressure begins. With a pregnancy scare there are the various societal pressures like what to do with the baby if you are in fact pregnant. Keep it. Abort it. Give it up for adoption. Abandon it with it's father. So on and so forth. With credit cards there are the options of use it. Hide it. Stow it away for emergencys. Don't get one in the first place. All these different pressures lead to making the prospective pregnant person or new credit owner question multiple things about how they feel about the maybe baby/ new credit card. I have come to the conclusion that encountering either of these things in one's life will lead to unwanted stress and pressure but can also be necessary to getting further in life. The possible mother might begin to question her lifestyle and decide to become a better person because what almost happened. The credit card owner accepts that having a credit history is a necessary part of continuing on in this world. To buy a house these days in westernised countires a loan from a bank is required usually. A loan that depends almost entirely on one's credit history. This makes both situations seem like bad ideas in the moment but can be great experiences in the long run.