Thursday 25 October 2012

I can sell shit like a boss!

So gurrl I gotta tell you somethin. I can sell shit. I can sell multiple kinds of shit. If given good shit to sell I can make people expand their budgets to buy them. I sold a vibrator today that increases in intensity the more pressure you apply to it. The woman had a budget that was half of what the vibrator cost but I managed to talk her up to buying it. I managed to sell about $500 of stuff in a half hour. It was freaking awesome. So awesome in fact that I rewarded myself with my first real poutine. For those of you who don't know what poutine is, it is an invention from Quebec which is fries and cheese curds covered in gravy. Heavenly? Yes. Fattening? O god yes. But it was like a foil tin of joy and happiness. I felt like a mermaid had risen from the sea and punched me in the mouth with the flavor of an Angel's thigh meat. So my literary skills are not perfect today, but any who I'm now off to go watch doctor horrible's sing along. Good Evening.

Tuesday 23 October 2012

Pictures of Jujubee

O Juju you so fierce

Pictures of Latrice Royale

 A Latrice and Ursula hybrid

 Latrice in all her glory

Skyfall and Blasthood

O Adele. Where is this Skyfall place you speak of? I feel like going there could be a real blast, although as one who has not left his room today I feel like my idea of a blast does not keep up to society's idea of a blast. On that note, what elevates a mere party into full blown blasthood anyways? It seems like something has to happen like maybe the right alcohol to crazy people ratio; or the correct amount of Florence + the Machine vs Rachmaninoff; maybe it all depends on how many drag queens show up without a booking fee being offered up in tribute to their sequined needs. From now on I'm going to make it a life goal to see if one of Rupaul's Allstars will show up to a party of mine without monetary reward. If I'm lucky I'll get Jujubee or Latrice Royale. O what classy ladies those bitches are. For those of you who don't know these goddesses I shall post pictures for the world to admire their glory. Any who I'm all tired from lying in my bed and not eating so I think it's time to get all dressed up and go to a fabulous nerd bar in the downtown area of Vancouver. It should be lovely. Good Afternoon to you all.

*So I later saw the movie and decided that Skyfall was kinda quaint......until they blew it up. Ah well c'est la vie