Saturday 1 December 2012

The Accumulation of Stuff!

I remember a cartoon from when I was a kid where the hero was luring the villain with a note saying "Come to this spot, we've got gold and jewels and stuff". The villains response was "Stuff?! I love stuff!" which was technically the punchline. My problem with this is that after packing all of my things to move I have come to the realization that I have a hell of a lot of stuff. The sad thing is that I know where each particular item in this pile of stuff came from and when. I can't remember the answers to an important question on a test but I can sure as hell remember where that penguin handkerchief came from (It was a gift from a guy I went on a date with last on the 28th of October, 2011). Another item I have a ridiculous amount of if lip balm/tint/gloss. The lip products alone have their own bag. Lord save me from my habit of buying a new lip product whenever I feel like I need a new one. I really need to just use up this whole pack that I currently have first......the likelihood of me doing this however will be quite slim. On the other hand I have fabulous lips. Go me.

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